Sunday, March 13, 2011

Life Blood

This week didn't go as planned.      At all.

The 2 day blizzard-from-hell wrecked havoc on the cows.

The snow, wind, freezing temps, rain and ice created an enormous ice dam on the roof and caused a flood of water to cascade from the ceiling and wrecked havoc in the living room.

And then my own body wrecked havoc on me.

I have been sick for a very long time and tried so very hard to "tough it out."

By Wednesday I couldn't do it any longer.     The end was near.

I somehow drove to the hospital 80 minutes away, after watering the herd in the early morning and praying beyond hope that I would make it back for the pm watering.      

Of course I didn't make it.    

Arrangements were made for the herd and Mavis.   A very kind lady from church came up and tried to pursuade Mavis to eat and pee and to relax.  She wouldn't.     The cows were much easier to deal with than that wonderful odd dog of mine.

But I am HOME now.  And I am OK.

All because of the persistance of an army of nurses and doctors plus the generosity of total strangers.

Over the past few years, my 109 units of plasma and many units of blood have come from all kinds of people I have never met.  These generous folks come in all colors, shapes, nationalities, sizes, genders and professions.  All anonymous. 

I am sure none of the blood donors really realize that their blood gives life to others, or what those "others " look like or what kind of life they live, with their donated blood in their veins.

So, to all of you plasma and blood donors and to all you future donors:

I want to Thank You for allowing me to live as normal a life as possible. 

With my cows.  In Vermont.   Happy.

God bless you all,



  1. First, thank heavens you are home and getting better. I wish that you could find a place to board the cattle with good shelter, it would put your mind so at ease. I know this place started out that way, but the winter's tragedies have left them so exposed, and I would be worrying myself sick. I am so glad you had help... with the dog and the cows. Get better soon, I'll say a prayer for you daily.

  2. Glad you are home and feeling. Better,I had no idea you struggled with an illness. I am proud to be a blood donor

  3. Oh've cerainly had a rough winter, and I hope and pray for a gentler spring...both for you and your cows!!

    Hearing of your need for blood/plasma makes that semi-annual needle stick worth while!!

  4. Boy,you sure have had a rough time lately.So sorry you haven't been well.I hate to hear that. Wish I lived near by so I could do something to help out. I am going to start praying for you daily. Take care & Hugs, Tami

  5. I hope you are recovering. Spring is on its way, a time for renewal and rebirth. Ditto on donors. cheers. ann

  6. So glad that you are better. So many lives would be lost without donors. I see it every day and appreciate that precious red gift.

  7. MY GOODNESS, JANICE! I didn't know you were so ill. I'm sending you prayers!!


  8. Janis~ I do hope you are on the road to recovery. I would say you have endured the winter from hell. My mother discovered the chicken boots in the Martha Stewart Living Magazine, last month's issue. I believe the boots can be found at Gardener's Supply. I do hope this helps. Sending blessings your way, Julie of Dog Trot Farm.

  9. Janis, I love your blog. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been so sick. I know that all of your critters were happy to have you home again. There's nothing better than sharing some graham crackers with someone you love. Sending prayers and healing zen your way.
