Thursday, August 25, 2011


It is dark and windy here this morning.
The sky was red at dawn.

My disaster teams have put me on "alert" status.

Vermont has a tendency to flood and we are also anticipating that our sister state, New Hampshire, may need assistance.

Today my own personal disaster plan is in full swing.

I have filled containers with water, tied up my sunflowers, removed all my big tomatoes, took down my scarecrow, stored all my outside furniture in the garage and am going to tank up my truck.

We are planning on riding out the storm here at the farm.

Haven't determined yet if the cows would do better in the field or in the woods.

Here are a few other things you should be doing to get ready for the uninvited visitor, Irene:

Before the hurricane:
  • Check your emergency supplies and replace or restock as needed. Your disaster kit should contain items such as gallons of water, non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food and sanitation and personal hygiene items. More information about what you should include is available on the Red Cross web site.
  • Create an evacuation plan with members of your household and practice it to cut down on any confusion.
  • Plan routes to your community’s shelters, register family members with special needs as required.
  • Make plans for your pets and livestock.
If a hurricane is predicted for your area:
  • Bring items inside that can be picked up by the wind.
  • Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings and keep them closed as much as possible so food will last longer if the power goes out.
  • Turn off any propane tanks and unplug your small appliances.
  • Fill your vehicle’s gas tank.
  • Close windows, doors and hurricane shutters. If you don’t have hurricane shutters, close and board up your windows and doors with plywood.
  • Listen to local authorities and evacuate if advised to do so. Be careful to avoid flooded roads and washed out bridges.
  • Know where your nearest emergency shelter is

Here is another excellant map to track Irene:

She has moved a little more West, which isn't good for any of us  : (



  1. We hope Irene isn't as fierce as she looks to be. We hope you all ride her out safely and that you don't have a lot of damage.

  2. Here's hoping you make it through the storm in tact, with no damage and everyone safe.

  3. We have a great long list to get through today in preparation. We also have not decided where the cows should be: in the barn or out in the front pasture.

    It looks like it will pass either directly over us or slightly to the east: good for us, comparatively. One does NOT want to be to the east of one of these storms.

    Tying up the sunflowers has been added to my list.

    This morning I added: fuel and check chain on chainsaw, and check fencing bucket has all tools and supplies. Too many trees around to take out fences.

    Fortunately, we won't have to leave here, I don't think. But if it's bad, we may need to tape the 29 windows. (Adds masking tape to list...)

    I will be cleaning the butcher shop today, as all roosters go to freezer camp tomorrow. The hens will be relieved, especially as they will be locked in the cold room for the duration.
