Its hard to Go Fish'n when there are cows about to calve. Two have been born every day since 3/30. Having anticipated trout season for several weeks, I have been cleaning out my old

tackleboxes, sorting through all the stuff that I have collected and traded for and putting all my fishing tackle in just ONE box. I put my 2 rods and "THE" box in my troutmobile on Friday. I was hoping to drop a line in a few new spots, I had found this winter, first thing Saturday morning. However, as I checked the herd, I found cows in labor. This always makes me smile. The day was freezing and very windy--risky for new born calves to get hyperthermia and get pneumonia. Already experienced that last week when I found a calf born out in the rain, wind & mud in the early morning. So, Saturday I stayed the day and welcomed 2 new calves into the world and got them dragged up to the barn in the "Blue Cab Express." I rubbed them dry and covered them with hay, out of the wind. It makes a BIG difference between having a live calf and a dead one. Last week it rained for 6 days in a row. I found calves in trouble, every morning.
One morning I had the shock of the year: TWINS. Their first photo is below.

The mom and the 2 calves were huddled on the only piece of hay that was above the mud and rain puddles. Took me 2 hours to get the entire family into the barn, warm and dry. It is usually a miracle to have twins born without complications and everyone alive and kicking. However, there is a complication with this group-- the mom has NO MILK. The photo above shows exactly when I discovered that there was a problem, as the kids were frantic for milk the day after they were born. So, I have been the mom 3 times a day feeding the twins. I have a routine every morning. Bring hot water and cold water to the barn to mix their milk replacer in 2 gigantic bottles to feed them and then check the herd. Saturday morning it was obvious that cows needed some assistance. However, I hoped that after feeding the twins on Easter Sunday
then I could go fishing.