Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rain Birds

Its been raining for several days with severe thunderstorms every afternoon.

When the first few drops start coming down, the flock runs to the porch and camp out for the rest of the day.

My reading chair gets claimed by Marilyn the blonde hen. She refuses to let anyone else on it or near it.

The pullets have discovered how to get up on the porch and stay dry.

Hunger starts to motivate the hens to go look for bugs and worms during the rain.
They stand at the edge of the porch to figure out the driest way to get to where some delicious bugs might be hiding.

What are your critters doing during these frequent downpours ?


  1. Guess you'd better give Marilyn a book and tell she must read if she's going to take over your chair! Great hen pics -- love the last one where they're all lined up. Fortunately for the outside kitties, we have a covered patio and a shed they cat get under when it rains!

  2. this is hysterical! teddy lays on the porch the same way!

  3. You've got some fine looking hens! It looks like they want to be pretty domesticated!

  4. How neat to see the hens take for cover when it rains. You have some wonderful photos.

  5. Wait til they start requesting tiny patio covers all over the best bug hunting areas!

  6. I'm expecting Marilyn to lay an egg in the cup holder.

    My critters are horses and they love a good soaking when it gets hot. Then they roll in the mud. Today both mares got a bubble bath. Yes, that's right, a bubble bath.

  7. our doggie is certainly afraid when the rain and thunder comes along. He runs to us and hides his cute head! {:-Deb

  8. I didn't realize chickens don't like the rain. My son has chickens so I know you must have to go out afterwards and hose down the porch. :)

  9. I never realized chickens didn't like the rain either!

    I know our weiner dog really, really despises it!

    But we live in Arizona, so it's not an issue too often!

    Thanks for a fun and happy link to the letter 'H'.

