Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Garden Treasure

Every day I go outside and admire my lush garden.

I went out today and happened to see something out of place in my flower bed.

At a distance I didn't know what it was.

Can you see it?

As I got closer and closer it became evident that it was a very tiny egg balancing on the leaves.

To give you an idea of size, here is a dime next to the egg.

 I think its a hummingbird egg.  While the bird was enjoying the sweetness of the flowers, she happened to drop an egg. The sturdy leaves of the plant kept the egg secure where I could see it.  Lucky me.

My pullets do the same thing. They run across the lawn and drop an egg and keep going.  They are still learning to lay them in the nest boxes in the coop.

So I think this egg is from a very young, inexperienced, hummingbird.

Next time you are out in your garden, look carefully around you.

There might be a tiny treasure waiting for you.

Find it before the wind blows it away......

What treasures have you found in your gardens ?


Monday, July 23, 2012

Barns, Barns, Barns

I have lots of barn photos I haven't had time to post.

So here is an entire parade of Barns from January - April from the Northern New Hampshire and Northern Vermont areas.


Which barn do you like the most?

Hope you enjoyed the tour!
