Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tails from the Field

Finally got some fast rain yesterday afternoon and boy did it come down hard!
For 45 minutes the sky gushed and the fields soaked it right up.
Still need about 2 more days of solid rain to undo the damage from the lack of rain.

The cows are fat, slicked off and milking heavy. The calves are thick and growing every minute.

Red Sox Faith & Fielder are still here waiting for their Texas cowboy to get his USDA loan to buy the farm he wants. Then he is coming to pick them up and make them the first cows on his new farm. 
He is buying the cow, I am giving him the steer calf and I do believe Faith has now been bred back to the bull as I saw their romantic interlude last month. So it will be a nice 3 way package for the young cowboy and his family to start their new herd here in Vermont.  The story & photo of his family and their visit is about 15 posts down.

Speaking of bull........
I have one cow who STILL has not had her calf.   This cow is almost 10 years old and has always had her calf before June 10th.    I hope this isn't the start of an infertility issue.
This cow has an interesting history and a very interesting story.
Tell me when you think she is due.  Here are the telling photos. Please chime in.

And the Bull.....seems to be visiting each of the cows privately for meals....just like the "Bachelor" does, except this guy doesn't give them roses.....

This Polled Hereford bull has alot of Felton's breeding in him.  Similar to the previous bull we had ( kept him for 3 breeding seasons because he was so terrific ) He throws large, fast growing, heavy weanling calves.   Its been a fabulous cross on the Angus, Shorthorn & Simmental cows.     Repeat buyers reserve calves right before or right after they are born because of the carcass and meat quality of this magical breed mix.
This bull is an easy keeping bull too.  He does not jump fences.   The neighbors bull jumps fences, blocks the road and sometimes chases the mailman.         I don't tolerate that kind of behavior with a bull.

This is my favorite steer, Gibbs.  He follows me all around the fields. He is the largest, goofiest and most curious calf in the field.    His attachment to me is perplexing.

I have to sneak out of the field or he will follow me the half mile to the gate and make calf noises, which gets the entire herd in an uproar and they stampede over hill and dale to see what the heck Gibbs is screaming about.  Needless to say, when Gibbs is being my shadow while I check the herd I seem to stay many times longer than I need to because I have to hide behind cows to make my way out of the fields.

Thats the news from here, how are things in Your fields ?

1 comment:

  1. I had a calf similar to Gibbs a few years ago. Born by c-section and was kind of a dummy to start, somehow he imprinted on me and sdecided I was his mom. Nothing in the world like a 700lb "lap dog " bawling and running across the feild at you. If I were a betting girl I would say your late cow has a ways to go yet , her bag is pretty soft and she doesn't seem to be springing just yet , but they can change pretty quick. Good luck hope she cycles back in good time
