We are still experiencing hay issues, but at least today we are not feeding the labor intensive square bales.
Today we got a nice load of wrapped bales. Hopefully these will last at least 2 weeks.
They were unloaded way out in the field by a secondary road.
So a different method would be used to feed them to the herd.
Without the use of the tractor......
Step 1 --go to the barn and SHUT OFF the electric fence.
Did I mention that sometimes I forgets to do this ?
Step 2- drive out to the secondary road where the bales are. .
Step 3-- jump over the electric fence (this is where I always am zapped into remembering that I forgot to shut the fence off..)
Step 4--cut off white plastic wrap with sharp knife or box cutters.
By now the herd has walked up to the side road and is watching me prepare their breakfast.
Step 5 - pull off the white plastic.
This roll of hay was DRY and smelled delicious.
Step 6-- cut off the green plastic netting that holds the entire bale together.
Step 7- Roll the bale closer to the electric fence.
Step 8- drop the electric fence to the ground and proceed to roll the bale over the line and into the field and KEEP UNROLLING IT in a straight line.
As I unrolled the hay I glimpsed behind me to make sure the roll was leaving a nice carpet of hay for the herd to eat.
I was slow rolling the hay over the crevices and small potholes in the field.
Good ole Red Sox Faith decided I was going TOO slow and decided to jump on the bale and show me how to unroll it......cow style:
She put her head to it and pushed, while her rear legs dug in and moved that roll about 5 miles per hour!
She took it down the field like a pro and unrolled it in a very unique "S" shape.
S for Simmental, S for AnguS! Who says cows can't spell ??
With Faith's help I was able to get the hay unrolled in half the time. Good helper Cow!!
The herd really liked the way it was spread out over the entire field.
I did too.
Plenty of room for everyone to graze.
Gouda came over to see what I was doing.
She will be a year old next month.
All that was left for me to do was:
Step 9- pick up green netting and wrap it up tight.
Step 10- pick up the white plastic and wrap it carefully and tightly into a submarine shape to be recycled later.
Step 11 - jump over fence, get into truck and head back to the barn.
Step 12- Plug the electric fence back
Step 13 - put white plastic in the pile near the steps to be recycled and throw the green net wrap in the dumpster.
Step 14- go buy some more mineral salt blocks.
Its a sunny, cool day here.
How has your day been ?