Thursday, November 7, 2013


I was nominated recently to become a deacon at my church.

I wasn't so sure I was the right person for the job, but other deacons convinced me that I was already doing the job of a deacon but without the title. (I prefer to work "silently in the background"...)
Deaconships are for 5 years.   I compromised and agreed to a one year term.

Two days later I was to attend my first deacons meeting.

As I arrived, early and nervous, for my first meeting I saw some colorful porch decorations.

 I couldn't see what the pumpkins said from the driveway..... But I could tel it was some kind of message.

 As I walked to the front door, I soon read the colorful sign.

I was quickly overwhelmed with the warmth that comes when someone has done something so wonderful and so unexpected for your benefit.

That's when I knew I was in the right place, with the right group, doing the right stuff.

True fellowship, friendship and welcoming for a very timid new Deacon-in-training.


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