Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Fun

The big yella bush in front of my house has been blooming since Monday.

Every day it looks better and better.

A few birds are building nests in it.

Everyone in town is calling this unusual weather the "Vermont Summer."

It was so hot today I drove my side kick Mavis to get an ice cream cone at the ice cream stand that opened 6 weeks early because of pressure from townsfolks who have been demanding fresh ice cream since last week.  

After enjoying a tower sized ice cream cone we drove over to water the herd in their new field.

I found them in various locations sunning themselves, napping in the shade and trying to rub their thick coats off on the big maple trees.

I came home and planted some lettuce and more sunflowers.  I am frothing at the bit to rototill the garden and start planting the entire thing.  I am using alot of self control!

There are birds everywhere building nests and collecting materials from the fields.

All the grain stores are taking orders for chicks.  

I looked at the lists today while picking up several blocks of mineral salt for the cows.

There were 4 breeds I would like to get, but I already have 4 fast growing chicks flying around my bathroom.....       

Have you picked up your chicks yet?  What kind did you get?

1 comment:

  1. No chicks until May 2nd here. And no planting until mid April. Monday and Tuesday nights are forecast to be 27F and 28F here. It's cooled down a lot since mid day yesterday. I won't even be opening the cold frame during the day, I don't think, as it's to be barely 50.

    Today is the Smith College Bulb Sale, from the Bulb Show that ran this month. I hope to get a lot of cheap bulbs to fill in the holes in my beds. They've been forced, but if I can get them into the ground w/o much trauma, they may be able to recover. I'll be using Espoma's BulbTone as it's worked miracles for me in the past.
