Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Virgo Seed Fever

84 degrees Yesterday.  Again.
When I got home from work I grabbed the hoe, seeds, rake and a hat and raced out to the garden.
In 15 minutes I had planted 2 kinds of peas and some giant sunflowers.

I was dirty, sweaty and happy when I got done.  Trucks were driving by ...slow and watching me dig in the garden.
The garden is a little damp but drying out quickly in the sun.
My compost and straw mulch made rich soil.  It smells great and its ready to grow some veggies!

I made a small trench and planted my seeds and put row markers with dates and string. 
The Garden Bunny is now officially on duty.  In MARCH!

What a great day!
Mavis kept watch over me and my dirt digging.

The crocus are up and blooming. Daffodils are coming up fast.
The neighbor was mowing his lawn and mulching his leaves.

I hung my laundry ON THE LINE to dry!

Farmers were on their barn roofs making repairs today--shirtless!  In MARCH

Moved the herd to a new field to graze.  In MARCH!
Still feeding hay.

If the grass could grow just a bit faster before we use the last 4 bales and have to buy 20 more....

I am wearing shorts to work tomorrow  : )
Anyone else take advantage of the heat to get seed crazy ?


  1. My goodness that is early ! Looks like nice weather , enjoy

  2. I too am tempted to plant my peas, but I have an intutive feeling once I do we'll receive a foot of snow! 80 degrees today, 83 tomorrow. Greetings from Dog Trot Farm, Julie.
