Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Seed Catalogs and Fantasies

The first seed catalogs have already started to arrive.

I usually don't start getting them until January.

These seed catalogs start a chain effect of activity here.  First I start planning, then I start planting shortly after holding the first catalog in my hands.

I will probably start growing lettuce in my living room window very soon.

My plan is to grow more squash, melons and pole beans this year in my garden.  I will start eradicating chipmunks early this year so they don't destroy my crops like they did last year.  Of course with my luck, there will be a new pest destroying the garden next year.   In 2011 it was rain, flooding and a gazabillion snails.  2012 it was chipmunks and the drought. 

What were your biggest challenges this past summer in your garden ?

Are you already receiving seed catalogs?

Which ones are your absolute favorites and why ?

Which 5 veggies are you going to try or increase in your garden this year ?  and Why ?

Got any plans to plant fruit trees or berry bushes ?


  1. My biggest challenge this past summer was carrots. I had a mole that devoured them! My absolute favorite seed catalogs are Baker Creek Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Bountiful Gardens, and Seeds of Change because they carry mostly organic, non-gmo, heirloom seeds. I am going to plant more kale, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, leeks and onions next year because that's what we eat the most of. I am also planning on replanting my raspberry bed and adding blueberries, grapes and some apple, pear and chestnut trees.

  2. 2012 problem: could not grow sprawly things aka squash, cukes, etc. They all just up and died, even when replanted.

    My catalogs started to arrive on Oct. 15th. I got the last one yesterday: Fedco. In 2011 they arrive just before Christmas, for the first time. Previously, it had been early January.

    I didn't get my orders ready last year until well into January and was not able to get some things, sold out.

    I could not afford to order early this year and have been wondering if the sold out will be worse by January, when I can order.

    I have 3 I order from: Fedco and High Mowing first as I try to get exclusively organic seed, and Johnny's as a backup for things I can't find in the other 2.

    Fedco is the most favorite: excellent breakfast time reading, selection, and especially pricing.

    High Mowing because it's all organic.

    Johnny's is far more expensive but I love, love, love the info boxes for each plant.

    I don't know about 5 veggies, but the top one is celery. It did poorly last year, after 2 excellent years. So I'm going to grow a lot in different places in 2013. I dehydrate it and use it in celery salt. We use a LOT of celery salt in cooking.

    Because the nutrient density has made such an improvement in the garden, there are things I'm going to cut back on: green and wax beans, kale, turnips. I had far too many of these this year.

    I'm going to increase the Walla Walla onions. They did super well in the trial last year. I dehydrated them as they don't store, and they are great in a lot of things.

    I planted 48' of garlic in early October. The 36' I usually plant was not enough this year for all the stock and pickles I did. If I have room, I may plant a spring crop too.

    I planted berries last year because I got them free from a plant swap: currant, josta berry, Anne yellow raspberry and blackberry. But normally I would not be expanding gardens as I have all I can do with what I have.

  3. My biggest challenges were slugs,snails and Japanese Beetles. I think I need Guinea Hens.
    I have received 2 seed catalogs but would prefer them to wait until after New Year's. I love Johnny's and High Mowing.
    I hope to grow more broccoli, kale and Patty Pan squash and 3 or so varieties of heirloom tomatoes.
